Work Motivation: History, Theory, Research, and Practice by Gary P. Latham pdf – Work Motivation: Hi
Work Motivation: History, Theory, Research, and Practice by Gary P. Latham pdf – Work Motivation: Hi
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Work Motivation: History, Theory, Research, and Practice by Gary P. Latham pdf
"Work Motivation: History, Theory, Research, and Practice" by Gary P. Latham is a comprehensive and insightful book that delves into the various aspects of work motivation. Latham explores the historical evolution of theories on work motivation, from early perspectives to contemporary research findings. He discusses the different theoretical frameworks that have been proposed to understand what motivates individuals in the workplace, such as expectancy theory, goal-setting theory, and self-determination theory. The book also covers empirical research on work motivation, highlighting key findings and implications for practice. Latham provides practical recommendations for managers and organizations on how to enhance employee motivation and performance. Overall, this book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in understanding and improving work motivation in the modern workplace.